The Averlanders are now up to strength (and even had their first game, though they lost miserably to Da Kabin Krew.. hardly surprising).
So introducing Faust's Footpads, Averlander Mercenary Warband.
First up the heroes:
First shot, left to right, is Curt (youngblood, sword & buckler), Herrick Faust himself (captain, sword, brace of pistols) and Mallory (sergeant, sword, axe).
Second shot shows Werner and Clovis, the two bergjaegers, both armed with longbows and an unerring ability to miss easy targets. bah.
And the henchmen:
First is Cohen's Clashers (a pair of greatsword armed mountain guard) and Dolph's Dividers (a single halberder).
Second shot is Mungo's Munchers (three bow armed halfling scouts).
You can see from the greatsword armed mountainguard I'm going for the tradtional yellow and black colourscheme. 'proper' painting like this really shows up my lack of brush skill, but never mind. The other two mountainguard and the captain and sgt will get similarly spangly outfits. The youngblood less so but along the same lines.
The bergjaegers and halflings will be in browns and muted tones.
Really like the halfling models, they're from Black Hat Miniatures, who incidentally were very quick, with decent communication letting me know exactly what's going on. Unlike Maelstrom and Wayland who both seem to prefer leaving me in the dark. Bah.
Anyway, that's Faust's Footpads. Need to get them all painted now.