23 February 2012

The Wharf

I've started work on the water in front of the wharf.  I saw Mason's thread on the Lead Adventure Forum showing his awesome town of Krappefortt. The way he did his water effects was to use water down pva and tissue paper. Ingeniously simple but the finished effect on his is amazing.

So I wanted to try and use the same technique. Yesterday I built the frame for the jetty, and today I put in the water. It's currently drying, we'll see how well it looks once it's done and I can start painting. So far so good though!

Fingers crossed mine will look half as good as Mason's when it's done.

Next step them is to decide on the buildings. You can see the gaps in the cobble in the first picture. The one of the left is for a small shack/stall thing, the right one will be adjusted to take my Warhammer Chapel. But I want to put something in the middle, I'm thinking perhaps a clock tower..

1 February 2012

The Church of Verena is getting an interior. I've started with the floor and a detail wall at the back. Hard to tell (should have taken un painted shots), but the wall is three dimensional made from scored depron.

The two doors lead into the vestry out the back, the centre is supposed to be a mosaic dedicated to the goddess Verena. Rather than an alter it's going to have a pool in the centre of the floor (much like the temples in Skyrim/Oblivion). This is already done, just needs painting and detailing.

The final step then will be to add the staircase and balcony at the tower end, providing access to the bell tower and sniping platform, erm, roof top.
Ok I thought I'd start the new year with a look at where Stadtheim stands at the moment. Still plenty to do on the 'complete' boards, but it's looking much busier now, which is how I want it.

View from between the church and watchhouse to the warehouse.

Between the church and brewery house to the docks.

The front of the watchhouse yard and tower.

A birds eye view of the main bulk of the town.

Looking from the warehouse to the church.

Down the canal from the docks.