28 January 2012

Back up and running

Hello there. After too long in hiatus I've returned to my little town. I'm rejigging the plans slightly for Stadtheim. The finished board will be smaller but I'm also replanning a few of them to cram more in. I've also played more games now and have a better idea of how to layout the terrain to make things a little more interesting and a little less canyon of death.

I'll get some photos of the warbands up, the orcs and the Reiklanders are complete now. I'm also doing an interior for the church, and am about to cut the brewery board to pieces and rebuild it.

Looking into the Sartosa setting by StyrofoamKing, which is looking likely to lead to a human pirate warband too. Will work nicely with the orcs I reckon.

Various things on the go, will post pictures as they come to fruition, starting with a nice overview of how the board looks as it stands. Be back soon.

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