I'm back! So I've not been slacking on the actual project, but I have been somewhat lax in updating this blog. Therefore tonight I've taken a load of photos of the current progress.
First up is the new canal board. This is the sort of piece I've wanted to do since starting this project (and long before) and I'm enjoying it immensely. However casting all these blocks with only a prison tower mould is a pain (only 8 normal blocks per cast). So I've ordered a second mould which should help.
This is going to form the basis of the canal pieces. There will be four in total, one in a 90degree turn. The left hand side in the top photo stops at tier one, the right at tier two. This will limit the flexibility of the boards but should add some very cool dynamics to the final piece. I hope.
The building in the middle is going to be a warehouse. It will go up two storeys above the top level before being peaks on the third. I'll do a gantry on the canal side and a simple jib to allow loading into barges.
Do need to figure out how best to do water. I've got a bottle of water effects but I think it could get expensive. Ideally it will cover the small walkways. The theory being they're underwater, but you can see them and use them if you need to.
Oh and my first figure! The warrior monk duder. Just a few pieces I had kicking around from a bitz buy on ebay. I think I'll paint him up and he can be the "barry" for this project.
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