12 October 2009

Stained Glass (again)

Right then, long time no update. I've not been slacking though, things are progressing.

My main problem is my bloody camera batteries refuse to hold their charge, meaning I have to charge the things each time. Irksome. Anyway, the church is coming along nicely. The whole thing is more or less painted, just needs a roof for the lean-to at the back and some detailing.

I've finished the sheet for the windows, infact I now have it printed on acetate ready to be framed and mounted.

Click to zoom
As you can see a few bits of reptition, but I'm happy with that. The two owls and Verena herself will go on the rear of the church. Then the two sides are a sword and two small windows, then the front has just two small windows either side of the tower. Obviously the round ones are for the top of the tower.

I need to get one cut out, then framed with thin card and put in place to see what it looks like. Then it's a case of trying to decide what goes behind it. Because the colours are quite washed out they obviously have a lot of white in them. Print white and you get, well nothing! So the acetate windows are quite transparent. I still think some tin foil behind them might work well if I can avoid creasing it.

Also need to sort out the section for the next tile, the first canal piece. Taking a lot of effort with the casting but it's coming along and definitely needs photographing.

Once I charge my batteries...

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